
Why You Won’t Find Me Looking In Your Knicker Drawer.

Do I still occasionally get a “download” for someone?  Yes, but that’s a different thing altogether than me going snooping and looking for something just because I feel like it or because I can. Why am I telling you this and what has it got to do with Money Mindset or Abundance, I hear you ask? It has everything to do with money. Read on....
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How Your Self Worth Impacts Your Ability to Earn More Money

Are you struggling to grow your business? Do you nervously watch your finances dwindling with nothing coming in to replace what you’re spending? Despite your best efforts, does it appear that you simply can’t earn beyond a set $ amount each month? You’re not alone. This is much more common than you might think.   But out in public nobody wants to talk about it.  It’s a hush hush kind of thing…  
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How To Get Your Reality To Match Your Vision.

Have you ever seen yourself in a vision that looked so amazing and felt so real, that you wondered how you were ever going to pull it off? I have.  Many times. It usually happens in response to me asking a question, something like:  What am I really here for?  or What’s my highest potential?
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What to do when you’ve given up on yourself.

Have you given up on yourself? Maybe you have and you haven’t even realised it. Sometimes people are waiting for something….   but they don’t know what they’re waiting for.  So then, how will they recognise it when it comes? It's just part of the reason that they don’t know why they’re stuck but there's more. Does this resonate with you?
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Lightworker: It’s Your Time Now!

I get where you’re at.  I searched for years to find my Soul Purpose. I think I was expecting some huge light bulb moment when a whole vision would open up and I’d instantly know everything I needed to know about what I was here to do.
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A Time of Unrest and How to find Peace again

In my experience, when I discover new information that is shocking to me, there's always a period of unrest that follows.  Mostly unrest within myself because I'm uncomfortable with what I've just found out and with what will need to happen next.
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Creations of Your Own Mind

And just like that it seems, the year is almost over.  What did you achieve this year?  Did you tick off all of your goals or do you find that you are pretty much in the same place that you were this time last year? This year has been a year of big energetic change for many people.  Some of us have made huge strides forwards on many levels and of course, others haven’t.  For some, nothing has changed even though they desperately wanted it to and they feel frustrated that things don’t look any better and that they don’t feel better either.
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Are you stuck in a time-loop?

Although we can’t ever fully control life, there are many aspects that we can control through our choices. For the most part we get to choose what we participate in and with whom and unless we are genuinely locked in a prison cell we get to choose whether we stay or walk away. This applies to any particular place or situation, to jobs, relationships, homes and even circles or groups that we might be associated with. We are more or less free to make these choices, but yet it seems so difficult to walk away sometimes, even if staying there causes us pain and inevitable dis empowerment.
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Making Your Dreams a Reality

Are you living the life you really want? Or are you merely going through the motions each day and hoping that things will somehow get better all on their own? I’ve found that generally people do want a better life but commonly have no real idea of how to make it happen. Often by the time people come to see me for help, they are at their wits end with frustration and feel a complete lack of direction and no purpose in life. And if they can sense their purpose they seem unable to really fulfil it or get it off the ground.
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Change Your Life by Changing Your Mind

The 3 Biggest Mistakes that people make when they're trying to change their life. We’ve all been there. We’ve gone on holiday and felt inspired to completely change our lives when we get home. Or we’ve listened to a motivational speaker, and immediately resolved to change our job, our home or our partner, as we set out to build an amazingly abundant and inspirational life. And we’ve probably all made New Year’s Resolutions that lasted somewhere between five minutes and a week. So how come these changes never last? Are we not dreaming hard enough or long enough? What does it take to make concrete, long-lasting changes? And is permanent change even possible?
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